Thursday, October 2, 2008

I survived the wedding!

I survived shooting my first wedding, and I must say, I had an amazing time. I wasn't quite prepared for how worn out my wrists would be after holding up a heavy camera, heavy lens, and heavy speedlight all day, but it was well worth it! I took over 1200 shots, and after going through them to pick the best of the best, I think I'll have about 450-500 to show the bride and groom.

The wedding itself was sweet, fun, and memorable - I'm not sure there was a single guest who could honestly say it wasn't a great time! I learned a lot about photographing to personality - i tried getting the bride into several serious romantic poses and she got us all laughing instead - i can't wait to share some of those images once they're ready - they show more personality than a romantic pose ever could!

A few to share here, I had a terrible time picking which ones to share first! I wish it didn't take weeks to get 450 pictures ready to show!

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 5

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 4

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 6

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 8

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 7

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 9

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 10

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 11

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 2

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 1

Chris Morgan Wedding_preview 3

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